Hello Everyone!
On January 25 when Susan Nickelson mentioned the 5 Day Pouch Test on ABC's The View we enjoyed a surge of new Neighbors joining our online safe haven community: The Neighborhood. Some of those Neighbor's joined together and starting Monday January 28 launched their group effort at the 5 Day Pouch Test. Well, the results are in and by all accounts it was a great week of getting back on track for many of our brothers and sisters living the surgical weight loss surgery experience.
Take a look and read the full thread: Getting A Group To Start 5dpt Monday!!!! We say it all the time in the 'Hood --- We need never to walk alone!
Making a Life-style change (again) from Chell 12:
"Hello Everyone!
I would love to join you guys this week to do the pouch test. I saw it on the view as well. I have been discouraged and hope this will help. This surgery has changed my life but I'm not willing to give my bad life back. Let's all stick together and perhaps we could kick start us. I had my surgery back in 01 and I lost 180 lbs. I have since gained about 50 lbs. I didn't think I was doing bad until I read this site and everything I"m not suppose to eat is what I eat. Geez...... You have to make a life style change and I need to do it once again!! Thanks for everyones support this is what I lacked before!!!"
Mid-Week encouragement from Mariana11/05:
"Okay ladies and gentlemen...day two almost over...by the time most of you read this, it will be day 3 and soft protein. Please remember that the no drinking 30 minutes before and after a meal starts...just a friendly reminder. I have a HUGE sign posted to my fridge to remind me of this...because it is one of my biggest issues still. I find it uncomfortable to have my pouch full, as most do, and can make that feeling go away with a glass of water, but have come to realize that that is the feeling I SHOULD be having, and was the intention of my wls."
inacar had surgey in 1981 -- Guest what? Her pouch still works!!
"This is day 5 for me and I am thrilled with how it's going, I'll probably keep on this plan till I grow gills. Then I may just learn how to swim. I bought a new scale last night and weighed in at 324. Looking forward to getting under 300 for my first goal. Getting back to my pre-surgery weight at 297 second goal and then I can start the real journey of getting the life I want."
The 5DPT works for guys too! Just ask Adam B:
"Well i am happy and lost 10 pounds!!! I think i will just keep eating this way, im happy. 33 more to my lowest weight since high school!"
Are you ready to get back to basics? 5 Day Pouch Test: The Plan