5 Day Pouch Test author and friend, Kaye Bailey will be a featured speaker at the Sixth Annual Seattle & Tacoma Bandster Bash & Splash on Saturday, February 16. The conference will be at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport Marriott. Kaye's topic is, Fixing Broken Windows in the Surgical Weight Loss House. The conference fee is $150, but the coordinator will discount it to $100 for those who mention the LivingAfterWLS site or Kaye's name. Although the primary focus is on Bandits there will be discussion on the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass from a panel of highly respected surgeons.
Link here for more details: Seattle Splash & Bash View the full agenda - Kaye speaks at 9:15 Saturday Morning.
Link Now to learn about scholarship opportunities to attend this conference. Kaye will be available to meet you in the vendor area of the convention area - be sure and stop by the LivingAfterWLS table and say hello.